Matéria do jornal “O HOJE”

Nos sentimos felizes com uma matéria espontânea vinda através do projeto FAREI JOIAS 2023.

Braceletes: ” Reflexo das Águas” de Anajuly Carneiro – Go.

“The ‘Farei’ approach respects local traditions, involving community facilitators like Lilian Gomes Tupi and Givaldo, who play crucial roles in their respective regions.

Adeguimar, a passionate defender of the Cerrado, redirected her original career to preserve this biome through art. Her jewelry is more than adornments; they are living testimonies that convey stories and values. She has made a positive impact on the world, promoting awareness and appreciation of the Cerrado as a cultural and environmental legacy for future generations.

Her influence extends internationally, with participation in projects and exhibitions worldwide. She has been honored for her contribution to breast cancer awareness and recognized as a Top 100 national figure three times. The 2006 Women Entrepreneur Award validated her commitment and dedication, propelling her project.

Amid global challenges, ‘Farei Joias’ celebrates its achievements and plans new initiatives to continue expanding and promoting art and Cerrado preservation.”

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